Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Night Moths and Conspiracy Theories

The moon has just risen to the left of the church steeple that belongs to the Catholic church on Court Street. From here it is a greened copper spike in the sky. Last night the moon rose to the right of it. The top side of it is missing and Nasa wants to go back and visit it. The whole moon, not the top bit...One sometimes wonders if they ever went in the first place. It's about time humans did something simply and understandably spectacular again. While Mr Gates looks for a cure for AIDS.

Just watched the Good Shepherd. I managed to take in no press about it and so went in blissfully unprejudiced. One of the most sensitive and fine things about it was the casting of Edward's son: having to embody both the teeth of Matt Damon and the sylphe (new word) of Angelina Jolie is an apparently impossible task. But achieved. Most impressed.

Lilium formosanum. True species lily. On cue two nights ago, when just one Formosa was open, a moth flew through the lily stems, appearing and disappearing in the light through the bamboo blind, and watched by Estorbo, whose stare alerted me to its presence. What he actually said was, Hey! small bord, flyeen' ad nighd. The worl' ees endeen'... That may be true Estorbo, I said, but I think it's just a moth...

In the spirit of July Fourth, dinner was fried-ish chicken (actually baked, but tasted crisp and yummy anyway. Secret: ground coriander, chile flakes, lots of salt and pepper in the flour; and lemon on the chicken before it is dusted), and tomorrow is a fireworks party from Paulo's roof in the Village. At some point terrorists - or whatever they are: the organized ones, I mean (one wonders) - are going to put July 4th and another Big Bang together. Can't say it's my favourite day to be riding the subway.

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