Wednesday, April 26, 2023

The King (of Everything)

April has skidded past on green heels, leaving pollen devils whirling in its wake. So my blog-posting has suffered. But here is proof of life. 

Nkwe Pirelli continues to entertain and amaze. It's been 10 weeks since he moved in with us and the spectre that both the Frenchman and I feared, in adopting a new cat ("What if he's boring, and just sits there?") has been banished. I mean, he does sit. Sometimes. And, mercifully, sleeps. But he is not boring. He has found his voice, is teaching us his ways. And we have laughed more in the last couple of months than in many years.

And that's not nothing.

Now, it's back to spring.


Find me (more often) on Instagram 



  1. He looks adorable. And I am glad that he is making you laugh.

    1. He's so different from Storbie. But very lovely.

  2. So happy for this wonderful new addition to your household. Different, but interesting and fun. What more could you ask for? Hugs!


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