Sunday, August 2, 2020

WNYC gardening Q and A

Windowbox herbs - marie viljoen

On WNYC's All of It, with Alison Stewart, I'll be taking caller-questions about urban gardening on Monday, August 3rd. The segment begins at 12pm. Tune in and ask. 

Do you have a burning garden question? (No, I don't mean your garden is on fire - that's a tough one) - rather, a garden or plant-issue that has been irking you. Or maybe you just are curious about growing....something. Herbs? Vegetables or fruit for a small space? You'd like some V-for-Victory edibles but you've heard they need full sun: What is full sun? And what is that leaf cutter bee doing, anyway? And is that huge wasp-y thing the murder hornet!? (Not it's not, it's a well-behaved but focused cicada killer and they deserve it). Oops, answered that one. 

That kind of question. It'll be fun. 

I hope!

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