Monday, November 21, 2016

The winter of our discontent

At last cold, as opposed to chill, has arrived in Brooklyn, with temperatures a few degrees above freezing, overnight. None of the greens mind it, so far (those are rapini leaves in the foreground, above).

We can't keep up with the arugula. It is very good wilted, inside grilled cheese sandwiches.

We go North soon, to see Canadian family. And in January I plan to be in DC for the Million Women March to protest that man's inauguration. But: if you know of a place for me to stay, holler. AirBnB is all tapped out. Town is full. Tips appreciated [update: accommodation found, thank you!]


  1. Argula is great on BLTs too. I'm not able to go to DC, but I plan on joining the local protests. If it comes to it I will register as a Muslim or whatever it takes...the first thing I thought of when I realized "that man"(I can't bear to say his name) was elected was something I heard years ago and has always stuck in my mind

    "When they came for the trade unionists I said nothing because I wasn't a trade unionist. When they came for the Catholics I didn't say anthing because I'm not Catholic. When they came for the Jews I didn't say anything because I'm not Jewsih. When they came for me not one spoke because there was no one left to speak"

    1. During my teenagehood (apartheid South Africa) a version of it was taped to the door of my bedroom closet:

      "First they came for the Communists and I did not speak out -
      because I was not a Communist.

      "Then they came for the Social Democrats and I did not speak out —
      because I was not a Social Democrat.

      "Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out -
      because I was not a Trade Unionist.

      "Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out —
      because I was not a Jew.

      "Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

      Als die Nazis die Kommunisten holten,
      habe ich geschwiegen;
      ich war ja kein Kommunist.

      Als sie die Sozialdemokraten einsperrten,
      habe ich geschwiegen;
      ich war ja kein Sozialdemokrat.

      Als sie die Gewerkschafter holten,
      habe ich nicht protestiert;
      ich war ja kein Gewerkschafter.

      Als sie die Juden holten,
      habe ich geschwiegen;
      ich war ja kein Jude.

      Als sie mich holten,
      gab es keinen mehr,
      der protestieren konnte.

  2. So ignore my FB comment. Have you considered asking Flower Jane if you can stay with her? She's in Arlington.

    1. good. i suspect that if her extra room is empty, she will be happy to have you. I think she is a fairly easy bus ride from downtown ... altho, there is no telling what bus restrictions will be in place that day. You might be better off on a tour buss - i know, last resort!

  3. It's great that you're going. I can't say "that man's" name, either. I was so looking forward to forgetting all about him, and then the unthinkable happened.

    1. Yeah. I was not that confident that he would not win. It has changed everything.

  4. Get over it. The people have spoken. Do you think that everyone was pleased with the results of the last election? Why is this disgruntled group such whiners? For the record I think he's a poor choice, but then so was his challenger. None of them have the "people's " best interests at heart. They are simply politicians out for themselves. Grow up ladies (and gents).

    1. The people actually voted for Hillary Clinton (Bernie Sanders was my choice, but I voted for the qualified candidate left in the race).

      But "get over it?" If I did, I would not have a shred of humanity or perception left.

    2. Thank you, Marie. Well said. 26% of the voters chose Trump -- and if that is not enough to convince us to prioritize education, especially concerning history and civics, I have no idea what is.

    3. I have no intention of 'getting over it,' 'it' being the election of a vitriolic and vile conman. Perhaps Lynne should reread First They Came...

      Furthermore, that man's 'challenger' was extremely well qualified, much smarter and prepared, and very experienced. I too supported Bernie Sanders but was not disappointed to later support Hillary Clinton.

      We are not a disgruntled group of whiners. We are, and with good reason, very concerned for the future our country, its citizens and non-citizens, the environment, health care etc. Lynne might also read recent Paul Krugman columns in The Times for a better understanding of why so many people will 'not get over it.'

    4. Thank you Nancy! I am left wondering if Lynne is actually a real person & not a TrAmpian bot of some sort. I will not write that man's name either; often use DJPig on Twitter. Brava to our Marie for speaking up & heading to the Women's March in Jan. btw, people are asking the U.S. Dept of Justice to #AuditTheVote in 3 questionable states.
      NO getting over it,
      Diane in sunny cool Denver

  5. Marie, My sister-in-law, also a fan, has a place in Arlington. Is that too far out of town? I will let her know you are looking!sh will be in touch! So glad you are going!

  6. Yes, absolutely, dear Marie. It is not true that we should passively acquiesce. We must resist bigotry and repression as best we can.

    1. Brava, Ariane! Secretary Clinton's lead over that man has now widened to 1.95 million in the popular vote & U.S. Dept of Justice is hearing from 1000s of people asking for a recount. Call (202) 353-1555 to comment. Today is the last day to call. BRAVA, our brave Marie.
      Diane in Denver

  7. A friend in Baltimore has offered her guest room. Reply if you would like to be in touch.

    1. Hi Kathy - thank you! I have found a place a little closer :-)

  8. I will be there too. Amazing how many of us are going. A friend in Alexandria made a casual offer of a bed, and now so many of my friends have accepted that she's full up. Interesting that most of us are 50+ women, and we're toting air mattresses; for nearly anything else, we'd be insisting on well-appointing or at least very interesting accommodations. Not this time. It's important.

    1. Yes, Rafe's Hotel, it's massively important. I applaud all who are going and of course, ALL who worked for HILLARY and voted for her. As we used to say in the 70s, Sisterhood Is Powerful. Right On!

  9. For decades, Hillary Clinton has been pursued in vain by Republican Furies in a futile attempt to prove that she has done something criminal. On the other hand, the sociopathic orangutan in chronic rut has very publically committed redlining, fraud, tax evasion, sexual assault, self-dealing, and sedition -- and seems hell-bent on using the presidency for profiteering.
    Can anyone explain the public understanding of what "corrupt" means?

  10. Thank you for standing up for all of us... I, too, had a bad feeling that this just might happen and have never hated being right about something so much. Like so many here, I cannot get myself to say that horrid man's name anymore or bear seeing his and his disgusting cronies' image. I am also deeply worried what we might be facing in Europe with the rise of similar neo-nazi "populists" all over and elections coming up in France and Germany...

  11. Say it!! We are all prepared to fight this UnAmerican terror. The unNameable is as unamerican as the most illegal immigrant. The man never supported society's structure by paying tax, he evaded serving in the army, he is a bankrupt and a sexual predator. Yet he is revered by 60 mil people who views him as the standard to strive towards. He represents them and is their Messiah. Make no mistake about it, our fight will be long.


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