Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Diane, From Rabbit Town, come in, over?

This is an anomaly but here goes: if you are Diane and author of the blog From Rabbit Town - please get in touch? I have no other contact for you and your blog is now for invited readers only (I clicked the link today), so I have had to remove it from my blogroll, which is a pity - I love your writing, and will miss it.

The gratuitous rabbit picture above is of Tika the Rex bunny, exercising in Central Park, with his owner a few feet away.

Nameless bunny and his  owner being carried after his March 2009 spring stroll.


  1. Thanks for asking! You're the first person to do that. I felt that I'd gotten stale with the blog, so I closed it down to see how I would feel about that. I seemed to need that definitive action. There was another reason, too, having to do with my audience.
    I'll bring it back up and then will warn you if the problems happen again.

    1. It worked! Hi Diane. I am sure more people have missed your blog, but if they do not know you personally, there is no way for them to say so with it offline...

      I could perhaps help with problems (audience?) - send me an email if you like. You'll find the address in my Find/Follow tab, top of page.

    2. Thanks for the offer of help. I'll see what happens in the next weeks and will email you if I run into the same confusion.

  2. Cute rabbit! Rabbit Wednesday ♥

  3. For safety reasons as a woman blogger, I felt the need to shut down my own blog, too, but I also didn't want my years of work to be deleted and erased.

  4. A tech fellow, relocated to Scotland from the UK, was able to track my street address, solely based on my online sun-located photos and google street view. It creeped me out, even though our years of previous online communication led me to trust his intent was simply to inform me it was possible. Plus, back when I was posting my weekly field site visits, I noticed a particular fellow started "coincidentally" meeting me on rarely-used trails. I tried to change my research protocols, but I still felt unsafe.

    1. That sucks. I'm well aware that addresses are fairly simple easy to trace if someone is really motivated. But yes, do take care when posting locations if you're often there alone.

  5. I am glad you reached out to the writer of the Rabbittown blog - I have missed her posts too. Though I read the communication between the two of you, I am not certain what the problem was exactly. However, I will watch and hope she begins posting again some time. Diane Faith your descriptions were beautiful! I sometimes used your well crafted sentences as examples in my high school English class!


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