Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Brooklyn hummingbird

Hummingbirds have been visiting the garden. They appear suddenly, masquerading as moths, and then you focus, and notice. I love them. It has been two years since we have seen them - the last time was in Harlem; last year this time, soon after we moved in,  there was nothing for them to eat in our garden. 

They spend most of their time not at the Nicotiana, but around the jewelweed (Impatiens capensis) that I plant just for them. It is a cheap and pleasing indigenous Tall Plant - good for height and late-season flowers.

The Frenchman took these pictures, and is disgusted with them. But with low light and a fast bird, I find them enchanting.



  1. Lucky you! I tried a hummingbird feeder and all I got was ants! I do have a bush that the bees and butterflies love though it's not the standard butterfly bush. I will have to get a book from the library to figure out what it is.

    1. Katie - you could also just use Google images. And there is a helpful group on Facebook called Plant Identification. Post a picture there...

  2. Your photographer would probably also cringe at my wonky Powershot photos of sunbirds, bathing on the banana leaves.But in all these years, that's as close as I have been with a camera.
    It must been soothing to sit, knowing a little effort on your part has brought these creatures to you.

  3. Absolutely beautiful...thank you and the Frenchman!

  4. Photographer Captures The Multi-Colored Magic Of Hummingbirds

  5. How wonderful! I have never seen them here in Cambridge, despite being relatively suburban. At my parents' place in Michigan they would come all summer long.

  6. After seeing your photos, I hoped we might have our own hummingbird spotting over here in Cobble Hill, and we DID. Last night, one dazzled us as we were having drinks on our roof deck. Luckily, we both saw him, because he immediately turned and flew away (perhaps he took offense to the cat on my lap?)

  7. I love hummingbirds! They love my black and blue salvia and tend to fight over it!


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