Monday, April 11, 2016

Rolled tomato soufflé, stuffed with weeds

Occasionally I crave tomatoes. And if it is an April craving I have to sit on my hands and wait for the moment to pass. Because it is months till July, when the first field-ripened fruit arrive at local markets. After my home-grown tomato epiphanies dating back to an all-day sun rooftop farm in Cobble Hill (and also to Friend Frank's Fort Tilden community garden), I can easily resist the bright red hard things from Canada, sold day in, day out, in supermarkets and local deli's.

But it's a long, long wait.

That is why canned tomatoes were invented. And those are what we eat in the months from November through June. I used Muir Glen's organic tomatoes for the rolled up soufflé (like a jelly roll, but not like a jelly, roll, either) above that I took on the forage walk I led in Prospect Park yesterday.

Inside it was a pesto of cooked garlic mustard (above), pecans, garlic and parmesan. It was on the moist side, because I had made it the evening before. But the Frenchman, who wolfed the three slices that were his share, got quite excited about it. So I will make it again.

I feel guilty making the same snacks for my walks, because many of the walkers have been on two, three or more of my walks, so I am expanding the forage-snack repertoire. The Snack has to transport well - oblong and loaf shapes are good. Round is not. Small things that can go into containers are also good. Everything is layered in my backpack, and nothing may be squashed. Especially not a rolled up soufflé.



  1. Would you please consider putting the recipe at 66 Square Feet (The Food)? I would really like to make and not expert enough to attempt without a recipe.

  2. I too would like the recipe!

  3. Eek, the recipe is long, long, very long. I just need time. Do you have some for me? :-)

    1. I checked the whole of Joburg for spare time, but none to be found! But I can always do with growing in patience (not to be confused with growing impatient ;-) so when, if you get a chance...
      Good luck with all the busyness - I hope most of it is the very-rewarding type as opposed to the you-gotta-do-what-you-gotta-do type.

    2. Ja nee, I think they have a LOT more in Cape Town :-) Thank you for looking, though.

  4. That looks delicious and very pretty, too! And what a great idea for a picnic. I would guess the roll is a frittata-like thing maybe baked in a jelly roll pan? Am I close?

    1. More like a souffle baked in a jelly roll pan :-)

  5. Oh, yes, the recipe please! Sounds deelish.
    Have you tried Pomi tomatoes in the carton? Amazon has them and no BPA from the cans. Most economical to buy a case.

    1. Pam - if you can find the House and Garden Cookbook used, the recipe is there (I subs. garlic mustard for basil). I tried the Pomi some years ago and was not wowed - maybe I should try again:

  6. Marie, your tomatoes are likely from the den Haas greenhouses in the Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia. I live three hours away in New Brunswick. With our Zone 5 growing season we enjoy these 'local' tomatoes and cucumbers which are sold in our supermarkets throughout the winter. Though not as flavourful as the tomatoes sun-ripened in my garden, they are tastier than the alternatives from the Southern Hemisphere.


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