Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Wolf Street

Yesterday afternoon my mom and I stopped in at Wolf Street, in the Chelsea part of Wynberg, to see if there might be anything of interest at L'Orangerie and at The French Connection. Side by side and sharing a courtyard these are very good shops for making you buy what you didn't know you wanted.

The garden in the courtyard is lovely - overgrown but with good bones, and in it was some very nice furniture which made me think of an erstwhile friend with whom I've lost touch, Adrian Hope. Where is his furniture sold, I asked my mom. Not sure she said. Then we noticed a large sign on one side of the courtyard: Hope Garden Furniture. Found! Really beautiful stuff, and very well made.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marie
    Found this link to Adrian's website and went to it on your blog. Although it was written ages ago, thought I'd make contact. Adrian and his furniture is still in Obs (see website for contact). Adrian was just looking at your blog the other day-funny how things work.
    Hope life is going well in New York. I don't miss Washington at all!!!!


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