Saturday, January 19, 2008

Vince est arrive

Two nights before Vince arrived Guy knocked on the front door (always the better door to knock on, one finds) and presented this Orange Bag, from him and Jay, for Vince. It killed me to look at it for two days and not peek. Well, I peeked a little.

Vince's first lunch and the bag's contents revealed: biltong and droewors! - we saved the delicious Diemersfontein [thanks Guy!] Pinotage for last night - pictures to follow. With our biltong sandwiches we had a glass of Steenberg bubbly.

Beence acclimating...

Later, at Cecilia (his first day on land, after three days sleepless, he goes for a hike!), overwhelmed by corgis, or, as Vince calls them, The Caterpillars.

Disa Falls
Now we're off to check out some penguins...


  1. Marie! Read the wine bottle label - it was DIEMERSFONTEIN Pinotage!

  2. They're not caterpillars. They're SLM. Short Legged Model.


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