We packed a picnic and returned on a calmer day to this beautiful little bay beside the penguins, set up camp on a lick of beach reached via a crouch-height tunnel between two boulders and some clambering over some more, and swam and watched the funny birds who were quite unfazed by our presence.
Something lurketh in the deepeth. Vinceth?
With a full moon approaching, so did a very high tide. The rock we'd moved to after our beach disappeared under water was now surrounded by blue and we waded out and through the now-wet passage between the earlier boulders. Then we drove home the long way, into Cape Point past Smitswinkel Bay (below), where we visited Buffels Bay, scene of my baboon-hijacking at the age of 14. This time we saw only oystercatchers and seagulls.
And on past Scarborough (below) where the sea is always this intense turquoise. Yesterday Scarborough started to burn, down from the mountain and six houses were lost. Four firefighters received third degree burns to hands and faces, and this morning the fire choppers continue tirelessly to bomb the fire that crossed the mountain towards Ocean View.