Saturday, October 6, 2007

Violets in October

I noticed this violet this afternoon, growing in the pot with the lime green liriope and the small patch of variegated English ivy that I have allowed to live (I hate ivy). I knew the plant was there - it arrived by seed somehow more than a year ago and the tiny thing actually survived the winter. But a flower? In October???

(It's the Miracle Gro...Call. The poh-liiiiiiice...)

OK, here, this explains it:

I can't stop with the blue stuff. And must, because it is, technically, Fall. Technically, because as we speak the AC is blasting me with coolth and the air outside is worthy of July. But plants MUST not be fed with this steroid-like stuff going into winter because new growth is tender and will be hurt by the first frost, compromising the health of the plant. Because it's not good for the soil! End of lecture. To self.

But a violet...It's messed up.

The mint is ecstatic.

The tiny Euphorbia has taken over even though I cut it three weeks ago...

And the baby boxwood has pushed out new growth post its haircut. This is all bad. Very, very bad.

But I can't stop!


  1. Wow, plants out of control, that just reminded me: what was the name of that UK sci-fi series/movie you said could have had the music I remember?

  2. I thought maybe Day of the Triffids. 1962 movie then 1981 TV series...

  3. Hmm, not sure, I just checked online and the plants were different. Mine were very hairy, didn't move much if at all, and they were the result of people ingesting an airborne virus, I think, which made them explode and turn into plants... LOL


    I can't believe you found that clip. What a joy it just brought me on this Tuesday morning!

  5. THANK YOU for noticing....thank God, an appreciative lunatic just like me!

  6. qGVBwg Your blog is great. Articles is interesting!

  7. o93a4f Nice Article.

  8. Please write anything else!

  9. actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.

  10. actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.


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