Monday, October 29, 2007

Stanley Park

A ten minute walk from Vince's apartment, along the sea wall, and you are in Stanley Park. The smell of fresh sea weed, salt water, old trees, more moss; the view of tankers anchored in English Bay waiting to unload or load in Canada's busiest port; beaches of rock and pebble and the sandy ones with rows of parallel logs placed for picnics and firework viewing. The quiet lapping of small waves and the drip of clear water from the land side as it filters over the huge rocks where the roots of redwoods are entangled in the granite...

This was also a return to apparently typical Vancouver weather...

Sneaky Frenchie.

A sandwich of the most luscious duck prosciutto - more like smoked duck, unctuous with fat and redolent of woodsmoke - bought from the food market on Granville Island. We sat on a log and ate these and drank chilly red wine from a flask and watched a spaniel with saddle bags strapped to him hunt for a ball in the cold water....

In the realm of the trees, this is most definitely the memory it evoked. Places through movies...

Leaves. So many leaves.

The north side of Stanley Park, overlooking Burrard Inlet. More a planted park than the wild of the interior...

Lining my ducks up in a row...


  1. Everything is beautiful when you're in love. :-)

    Thank you for the update from Van-land. Quite impressive! I've always loved the Pacific Northwest region of the States. Now I see a reason to eventually check out things a bit further north.

  2. It's spectacularly beautiful - the trees and leaves and moss. Thanks for sharing - was wondering why your site had gone so quiet....!

  3. Your story is so... there is no world. It simply makes me cry and, believe me, I hate all romans à l'eau de rose.

    May be because there is also this passion for the gardens, the trees, the flowers. And the landscapes. You both know to show them so perfectly, sometimes so simple, sometimes so ... HDR whatever this is.

    I wish bothtous les bonheurs du monde. et plus encore.


  4. All your ducks are in a row. And it's my favourite pic....!

  5. Brigitte - don't worry, no roses here, only moss. Thank you....:-)

  6. Chris: you mean beautiful is everything when you're in love. ;-)

    Marijke: sure her sharing was great, I couldn't even approach my own computer... ;-)

    Brigit and Marie: I respectfully disagree; I saw plenty of roses here, including very French ones...

  7. Beence, I wasn't counting the birthday roses in your apartment. Red white and blue!!! I sang La Marseillaise for days...and then there were the deep orange ones for our second floor picnic...:-)

    And now that I'm in a coffee shop (yes, you see where my Internet poaching ways have driven me???) - you have plenty of time for your blog, right???


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