Friday, August 16, 2024


The late summer terrace, under a faintly wildfire-sky. The little bergamot tree has three fattening fruit, and some more small ones to follow. In the windowboxes, the African basil has grown so lush that each box requires twice-daily watering. It is besieged by bees who work through the twilight, while the chimney swifts and giant dragonflies swoop overhead. 


  1. Mister Pirelli mentioned that you may be feeling unwell. True?

    1. That cat a has a big mouth. I had COVID.

    2. Codex: Lol. Imagine they could actually speak; the gossip would be all over the neighbourhood.
      Ii hope youre feeling better. Was it light?

  2. I love your writing. You don’t blog as much as you used to (I understand), but I still enjoy the little posts, whenever you leave one.

    1. Thank you. By the way, you can leave your name in the name/url option - just leave the url empty if you don't have one :-)

  3. Haven't stopped by to visit with you all summer and sorry to hear about the Covid and assume you are better now. We have still managed to avoid that beast, tho M's heart is hardly cooperating these days. We added a Sheltie to the family in February, so my days are filled with walks, training (she is doing better at that than I), and poop bags! Will be happier when the weather breaks - maybe next week - and I can get back into my painting classes. Love to your and Smoothman. Please stay healthy and safe.


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