Tuesday, April 19, 2022

How to Help South African Flood Victims

Photo: Rogan Ward, Reuters

To help victims of the unprecedented floods in South Africa's KwaZulu-Natal province, you can donate to Gift of the Givers Foundation

For non-South African donors, my suggestion is a donation of R300, which is a fraction over $20. If you can give more, please do. Fresh water, shelter, and food are desperately needed.

The number of deaths is rising and is at 443 at the time of writing. Most victims were shack dwellers - people living in the informal and flimsy, foundationless shelters that characterize most of South Africa's city-fringes. 

If you use Facebook, you can also donate to Charlize Theron's Africa Outreach Project, which has set up a fund exclusively for the Kwa-Zulu Natal relief efforts.


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