Monday, April 12, 2021


In the cold mountains north of us I picked some bare forsythia branches from a scrambled, tumbling hedge on the edge of the woods. The shrub is very invasive. 

But it is very pretty when it opens a few days later on our Brooklyn windowsill.


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1 comment:

  1. Sadly, my next door neighbor died several summers ago (at 97, after gardening until the very last year), and happily her daughter has given me carte blanche to "clean up" the shrub line between our yards. She has no interest and her mother had the interest, but not much knowledge. Result = way overgrown shrubs that no longer bloom much: forsythia, mock orange and flowering quince, which all needed renovation pruning. I attacked them late last fall and this year they are glorious ...well, the forsythia is the only one that has bloomed yet, but it was fluffy duffy and covered in blooms. Wish I had thought to cut some for the house when they first budded out. Next year, for sure!


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