Saturday, November 7, 2020

This day

On Saturday near midday I cycled to the market at Grand Army Plaza. I needed fish. I rode fast, feet flying. Sky was blue. Sun shone. The lockdown pots and pans were rattling and banging again (see my Instagram @66squarefeet to hear) and car and truck and horns were honking. Bus drivers waved out their windows. Strangers whooped at each other. Everyone was laughing. You couldn't see them smile, because...masks. 

My bicycle bell rang all the way.

I needed to cross to the middle for the fish. But it was partiness all the way. Pure joy. 

My bicycle was dressed with flags I found at a dollar store. The proprietor had to fetch them from the basement. He asked why I wanted so many. It's a good day, I said. This is everybody's flag.

 I rode home in the autumn light. My third historic election witnessed and voted in. Mandela, Obama, and Not-Trump. Yes, I am old. Very old. 

And very happy.


  1. Oh, lord, I'm even older. Nixon, Carter, Reagan, George Bush Sr, Clinton, Bush Jr, Obama, Trump and now Biden, I voted in all those elections and only once voted Republican and I lived to regret it. Never again!

    1. I'm a little older: Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson.... (not old enough to have voted for them) and I've never been so relieved.

  2. It's a good day ... for your country and for the world. We have all been watching from afar with baited breath and hope for you all. xx

    1. The mayor of Paris said, "Welcome back, America." It's not over yet. But we hope, with held breath.

  3. Joy and tears. Thank you for posting this.

    1. When I heard the pots and pans banging earlier in the day and realized what was happening, I cried, too.

  4. from amsterdam the netherlands...hartelijk gefeliciteerd.....congratulations....we share your joy

  5. There were some corks popped on this side of the Pacific. And hopes that the incoming administration CAN drag our chump back to the Paris agreement.
    Oh! Did you get your old bike back or did the birthday fairy treat you? I do love the carry-box!

    1. Hi Diane - no, my (white) bike remains stolen. I adopted this one from the Frenchman!

  6. What a wonderful day! I feel like I can breathe again.


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