Monday, April 29, 2019

Dead Horse Bay on May Day

Workers of the city, rise up from your desks and walk out into the dandelion wilds this May Day (otherwise known as midweek Wednesday)! Dead Horse Bay is alive with spring things, including carpets of dandelions and violets.

...and sheep sorrel.

We will explore the grassy paths before finding ourselves on the beach (our visit is timed for low tide), where the famous bottles and bits of vintage detritus clink as the baby waves wash over them.

This weird urban habitat feels very jungle-wild and shows us everything from invasive  edible weeds (like garlic mustard, above) to shoreline natives like bayberry whose flavors sing of the Northeast.

Our wild-inspired picnic (the one above is from our foray last September) will be shared in the dunes.

Dead Horse Bay is accessible by subway and bus, and there is parking across the road at Floyd Bennet Field. You can also ride with me from Windsor Terrace, I have space for two more.

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