Sunday, October 7, 2018

The Windsor Terrace

I climbed up the fire escape to photograph the new terrace.

All the citrus trees moved with us: Thai limes (Citrus hystrix), Meyer lemon, and finger lime (Citrus australasica - and yes, native to the understoreys of the Australian subtropics) - and all of them have fruit! The largest curry leaf is in the lower left corner (the other went to my friend Irene Khin, where it is kept company by a giant Burmese ginger). The myoga ginger, cardamon and new galangals came, too, so this seems to be an adventure in subtropical edibles.

Other sentimental favorites are there, too: black snakeroot - about to bloom, baby oak leaf hydrangeas (their large parent was adopted), the prickly ash that was so sickly in its first year and now robust (I grew it for Forage Harvest Feast's sake - the leaves and fruit are wonderful), some pineapple lilies and a fat rhododendron. I am not sure why I brought the begonias - probably just because I knew I'd want some flowers.

The terrace receives eastern sunlight, and then some more in the very late afternoon, from the west. The top floor apartment (no more upstairs terrorism!) is very bright and they will thrive indoors in the winter. I hope.

We are still digging our way out from under a mound of boxes; work and book events have taken up much of our time, but there has been progress, and we can now even see parts of the apartment's floor (it is a very solid floor, and does not squeak like the last one).

I am leading an autumn forage-plus-picnic in Central Park this weekend, and the next in Prospect Park. See the link below to book.

And now I must unpack a dozen boxes of books.



  1. Must be prophetic...I've fired up the laptop for a quick check of emails, then it will be tucked into it's satchel.I fly to Brisbane in a couple of hours, then Canberra on Wednesday and then a short visit to friends in Eden.

    If you email me your new postal details I'll send a postcard!

  2. Oh, hooray! It sounds like you have landed safely in your new space. Keep us posted on your progress. xo

  3. Surely that isn't your only garden space?

  4. Hmmm. Looks like past is prologue. It's as if you are back to your original 66 square feet of Cobble Hill. Now all you need is a big black Dominican cat. :-)

  5. What's your secret to keeping your potted plants so green? Out here in the Intermountain West, everything dries out and/or yellows over a few months time. My outdoor potted plants always look haggard.

    1. Glad you like them! But it is a very hard question to answer because all plants, gardeners, and situations are different. Do you tend to them every day? Check if they need water, are dry, too wet? Feed them? Are they the right plants for your shade/sun/climate? So many variables it is hard to give a diagnosis...

  6. Hmm, I think I see a roof next to the balcony. Does that mean there might be a garden expansion next spring?

  7. You're amazing to have done all this - I'm sure the Frenchman was a huge help. Still, moving, book signing, foraging and making crackers is quite a feat in one week!
    Does the kitchen open out to the terrace? Is there room in the apartment for all those tropicals?


    1. Thank you! The Frenchman did 90% of it, in terms of heavy lifting. But yes, it's been a bit frenzied. The living room opens onto the terrace but the kitchen is very open and I can see out from the where I am working. And yes, one of the reasons we chose this place is light and space for plants in winter.

  8. Must have been a little scary up on the fire escape, anyway....I love, love your photo of an AWESOME balcony!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Thank you for sharing your new gardening space. It's lovely. Looking forward to seeing it in spring.

  10. Is there anything more heavy to move than boxes of books? :-( And is there anything more joyful to unpack? :-)

  11. Glad to see old friends nestled in all the corners, and room to dine out! it looks like less than 66 to me.

  12. Love the new digs! Can't wait to see what your green thumb will do...Me thinks you have this moving thing down pat...good work!

  13. Did my comment not show up? Had some problems recently.

    1. This is the only one I have seen from you...? x

    2. It was something about an orange burmese cat...OMG THEYRE GOING AFTER SCIENTISTS AGAIN...

    3. You have lost me: orange Burmese cats are going after scientists again?

  14. No need to post this one explanation with science terms ddo not seem to go through. Twice.

  15. Such a cozy little balcony, I look forward to seeing it in spring/summer next season, to see what beauty you will be creating!


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