Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Oot and aboot

...as the Canadians say.

On the streets of the hood, before three days of bloating heat (98'F/37'C today, relieved very soon by more humane temperatures) there have been flowers.

This extraordinary rose is 'Veilchenblau,' growing on the fence around the peerless Gowanus Nursery on Columbia Street, a few blocks from where we live and on the other side of the sunken and roaring Brooklyn Queens Expressway, known better locally as the BQE.

I ride my bike a lot. Best present ever. I don't go far,  but all over the nearby neighborhoods. I stopped to visit the rose on my way back from Brooklyn Bridge Park, where I had been given permission to harvest some cattails. It was a lot of fun - involving red rubber boots boots and wading.

Further east on another mission I stopped on Bond Street to see these hot roses.

On Court street this corner garden is always a delight. 

Otherwise? I have been busy picking serviceberries, finding elderflowers, huting linden blossoms, baking, testing, brewing, bottling, gardening, writing, walking with foragers, and then repeat. Also washing dishes, doing laundry, and vacuuming (I really resent housework but I can't concentrate on work if it's not done). 

So, you know, life. But the botanical clock does not stop, and I am marching to its orders. I just can't WAIT for the temperatures to drop a promised 20 degrees. 



  1. Come to Seattle we'll cool you off....still not summer here although the roses are blooming. We've had a very rainy, cool spring and in response the rhodies have been glorious. The flower bunches (bracts?) have been huge and very colorful.

    1. Sounds delicious. Bracts are modified leaves (like on dogwood). I think 'clusters' would work :-)

  2. What are these white flowers in your first picture?

  3. The most beautiful and abundant rose bush in Cambridge is thriving in a 7/11 parking lot. A good specimen for the Texas Rose Rustlers!

    1. Fascinating. And I had to Google Texas Rose Rustlers :-)

  4. Veilchenblau! I planted one 20 years ago by the chookenarium...I wonder what it looks like now?

  5. you're wearing a helmet when your ride right?

    1. No, Anonymous, I don't (you can leave your name in the Name/Url option - just leave the url blank). If I had kids, I would, but I don't, so I prefer not to. We have good bike lanes locally, though that certainly does not train drivers to drive better. It's a risk I have chosen to assume.


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