Monday, February 20, 2017

The days off

Weekend. We drove out to Fort Tilden. If you climb a hill on the barrier island you can see Manhattan.

And the bridge that hums like angry bees when vehicles drive over it. The weather was warm, but the world still said winter.

We stayed for a picnic. An elderly man skinny dipped nearby. He was tanned all over.

Then I came home to the soaking peas and fava beans. 

On the public holiday (Not My President's Day) I dug the overwintered greens back into the soil of the vegetable plot and added more oyster shell, for good luck. Then I planted two kinds of peas, the fava beans, some baby broccoli, 'Bel Fiore' chicory, Asian greens, 'Wasabi' arugula and watercress. I re-arranged some pots, moved a volunteer elderflower, planted some cinnamon ferns and Eremurus, was disgusted with some very poor quality Lowe's iris rhizomes (I know, what was I thinking?) and watered it all in with a kelp emulsion.

I found some forgotten carrots, too. Quick pickled with just salt and sugar they were very good.



  1. Oh, for the days when I could work for 5 hours in the garden. Now it's only an hour at a time...but if I focus I can get a lot done. Getting distracted means I wander all over doing a little of this and a little of that....enjoy!

  2. Yesterday, before the sun became too blistering, I spent a couple of hours in a shady area, weeding out Mimosa pudica(nasty little bugger!), leaving other legumes to be dug back later and then managed to yank out some galinsoga.
    Then i retreated with a water bottle...

  3. We started onion and leeks seeds here in Vermont, trays tucked in down by the furnace. We ordered veggie seeds from High Mowing. Concentrating on storage crops for our root cellar. Just in case. Trying black beans and Jacob cattle beans to dry, too. Also enjoying the scent of our windowsill Meyer lemon blooms. It's the little things...sewing, cooking, walking, reading, visiting...that help keep me sane in these crazy times. *sigh* Time to write a few more postcards.

  4. Those carrots are gorgeous! I took a very similar picture of soaking pea and fava bean seeds around this time last year; makes me really hate being away from my little New England garden. Also, skinny dipping in New York at this time of year? The mere thought makes me shudder!

    1. I looked up at the sky and hummed a little song as he entered and exited the waves - it was a very brief dip.

  5. Do you use inoculant on your legume seeds?
    As always, your photography and your garden and your writing are an inspiration. Rock on!

    1. I do not (there are many things I should do, that I don't). And thank you!

  6. I do have a better understanding of how many felt during Obama's presidency. But I do not better understand why. Unless it was for reasons of race or classism (was he too well educated? Is that bad thing?). Obama was a real leader with dignity, grace and intelligence. Trump is a mean, half-crazed bigot.

    And you are right, there is no escape. Because this is a living nightmare.

  7. BTW your profile pretty much sums up your attitude to everyone, I can see why you and Trump get along! :-)

  8. Well, thats amazing stuff, I really enojoyed that. Also, I wanted to mention that i have started a blog website about Gardening. I hope you will give it a look.


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