Thursday, August 25, 2016

Garden visitors

The smallest member of the Cape dwarf chameleon family being visited by the Frenchman on a recent evening, in my parents' garden at No. 9 in Constantia. Note the martini. It is good to see the little reptiles, as their numbers are declining.

Life has been full, with a lot to do, not enough done, and a difficult road ahead for my parents. Who said aging is not for sissies?

We are bound for New York, soon. South African stories to follow.


  1. With every best wish for you and your parents (and, of course, the Frenchman), Leslie

  2. Decisions are tough...wishing the best for all of you!

    1. Ditto here Marie & Vince. Hope all goes well with your parents and yes, that is a tough decision time. Safe travels to both and our affection to your folks.
      Diane in Denver

  3. Unless that was a rhetorical question: Bette Davis

  4. oh my goodness ! adorable
    xoxo S + Gang


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