Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Seeds of the Month Club Winner

For everyone who entered the Grow Journey Seeds of the Month Club giveaway, the winner is Denise Maher, a Californian whose favorite winter crop is fava beans, and whose blog is A Growing Obsession (check it out - very nice images).

The winner was chosen by an online random number generator, out of all the eligible entries.

Denise, please get in touch so that we can set up your account with Grow Journey.

If it's any consolation to non-winners, Grow Journey is offering a 30-day free trial of their Seeds of the Month Club - this will give you a month's-worth of organic seed, but also access to the online support and horticultural information that I find so interesting.

Today it was so warm that I went mad and planted garlic. Then I delivered Christmas cakes in a warm Brooklyn blanket of mist. Coat not needed.



  1. Now I'm going to be curious about your garlic down there in Brooklyn! Usually I put it into the ground in Oct right before the first big freeze and I don't see anything until a good thaw in Spring. This year I put it in right before we dipped into the teens in Oct.....and now it's at least 6" tall. I'm going to spend Christmas Eve puttering around outside so perhaps I'll get it mulched as you suggested. Merry Christmas in your cozy home, Marie!

    1. We can trade pictures in late spring...merry Christmas to you, too! x

  2. This is the best news! I'm sending you an email this minute. Thank you and Grow Journey for making me as excited as a 5-year-old this Christmas!


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