Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Neighboring hoods

The sidewalk of the Gowanus Nursery on Columbia Street in Red Hook is pretty with late annuals and perennials. The nursery is still well stocked with plants, and very good ones for shade, especially. I was very pleased to find sweetfern (Comptonia peregrina), there. This is a good time to plant. Open weekends only.

In the Carroll Gardens streets it is still fall, and ginkgos are like beacons in the darkening afternoons.

Boerum Hill, below.

It is also clamping season, for pacifists:

Gowanus, a block from the canal:

And on my walk to Whole Foods (where I buy three things: organic chicken, Meyer lemons and ...wait. OK, two things).

The Venice of Brooklyn. One day.


  1. That sidewalk garden does look lovely.

  2. My old neighborhood! Give my regards to the Gowanus!

  3. What a great punny title, Marie! Also, clamping season for pacifists, excellent. However, that nasty clamp is actually called The Boot and Im embarrassed to say I know that because they were 1st used here in Denver .So a violator gets "booted."
    Loved the photos; as you know, I enjoy pix of Street Life in The City. The future Venice of Brooklyn? I sure hope so! Aided by municipal-sized sprays of Febreze, no? Terrific post & photos, thanks.
    at a Mile High. (Literally)


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