Sunday, February 22, 2015


Yesterday the temperature stayed above freezing. Snow began to melt. The world dripped. It felt warm. The reprieve was brief, with the cold returning on Monday with a vengeance, on the back of the Siberian Express. The melted streetcorners and sidewalk pools and wet steps and dripping gutters will freeze again, and we will go skating.

So I caught the subway to the southern tip of Manhattan, to see the water.


  1. What's it like to be above freezing? Here in Buffalo I can't remember when it was that warm. To be fair, yesterday it reached 28F, but nothing melted. This morning it's -1. And it snowed again.

  2. One word for you, okay two: ice cleats. West of Boston, we are getting around on snow shoes. Also two words.

    1. I cannot imagine. I know for every complaint we make, Boston et al must be five-fold.

  3. Nice light! I should have been there rather than running through slush and cramping up...

    1. That would have been nice. But I think your run was good for you.

  4. Many weekends many summers ago I and a woman I was to let get away rode bikes on the skeleton of the West Side Highway from the Village down past the World Trade Center to Battery Park where we sat all afternoon on the benches in your photographs reading paperbacks and New Yorkers greasy with suntan lotion and perspiration watching ferry boats and passersby eating hot dogs and drinking Cokes smoking cigarettes (I Luckies she I don't remember something filtered) thighs and shoulders touching smelling our browning skin our moistness trying not to rip our clothes off finally riding home and ripping our clothes off coming napping waking drinking eating going to a movie sleeping stunned. On a cold night in another town I look at your cold pictures and thank you for reminding me.

  5. Thought you might enjoy this film of the city.

  6. Your gorgeous photos brought a smile to my face this morning. Thank you.


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