Sunday, February 17, 2008

Knysna the Bad: Pezula

On the other hand, feel free to rip up the indigenous forest, install miles of electric fencing and security cameras, pave the hills for macmansions yet unbuilt, construct helipads, and put gates across public paths. Because we, the municipality of Knysna LIKE. YOUR. MONEY!

This sign intrigued: it was pointing to the new footpath that has been hacked through the bush to Noetzie Beach. I imagined some beleagured, previously disadvantaged (or perhaps political, Cote d'Ivorean, refugee), only too grateful for a job, wearing his nice, menacingly black Pezula Ranger outfit and being shat upon by the locals who, like me, are aggressively nostalgic for the nothing that Noetzie used to be, venting his frustration via this sign portending biblical wrath. Are they (we) the Proud People? Or are the proud people the Pezulanites? In tiny letters on the shady part of the sign is the footnote: God's greatest gift is a good wife.

Can't agree more.


  1. ... Ok, I'm done rolling on the floor laughing...

    Neither can I! ;-)

  2. Yup, I'm glad something was going right for the guy. Or did the wife write the sign?


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