Sunday, June 22, 2008

Garlic scape soup

1lb garlic scapes
1 onion finely chopped
1 bunch spring onions, ditto
1 large potato sliced

[2 minute break while I averted a flood in the gutter outside - downpour and rainbow]

About 8 cups chicken or vegetable stock
1/4 cup natural, preferably Greek yoghurt

Sweat onion and spring onions in about 2 Tbsps of olive oil. Add chopped up garlic scapes, saute another 4 minutes or so. Add potato. Add warm stock and simmer until all vegetables are tender. Add lemon juice to taste, salt and black pepper. Transfer to blender in batches and puree. If you are a patient person, with a fanatical streak of perfectionism, press through a sieve to make extra smooth. I gave up half way. Reach your own conclusions. Allow to cool and stir in yoghurt, mixing till smooth. It should be easily pourable. Add more stock if not. Chill. Serve with a little dollop of yoghurt and snipped chives.

If you'd like it hot, I'd grate some parmesan over the top or float a toast boat with some melted cheese-of-choice on it...


  1. Mmmmmmm, yum! Have giant (aka elephant) garlic growing in a friend's garden, this will be heavenly.

  2. Marie, what exactly is green garlic? This recipe sounds delicious and I love regular white garlic, and it's so healthful....

    Never heard of green garlic, is that perhaps found in an ethnic grocery store?

  3. Hello Marie,

    I made this soup yesterday, truly amazing and delicious. I had it chilled with some gratted parmesan and a few craquers with foie gras, on my balcony.
    Many thanks for sharing these delicious recipes of yours.

  4. Jane, clever friend to have garlic growing.

    Lavinia - green garlic is just the name for the scapes that grow up from the garlic bulb (they are alliums so look a lot like the beginnings of those purple flower heads). They used to be discarded until someone decided they were good to eat which they are. I have seen them mainly at farmers' markets, and occasionally at an enterprising grocers.Or plant your own. Just plant the individual cloves of garlic in a very sunny spot.

    Ms Otter...Yum! Foie gras on craquers, delicious.


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