Saturday, March 28, 2015

The wedding weekend

There will be a party at No. 9 on Sunday: 60 years of marriage - my parents. My mother has called it, and the menus read: The Last Party.*

Parties require flowers. Many come from the garden. (zinnias, plectranthus, salvia, plumbago). But for back-up I went to the Sillery Farm, and bought a gazillion dahlias, in their late summer prime.

And today Don and Rosie will be married in their fynbos garden in Noordhoek; their family, friends and Herbert Baker henhouse chickens will be witnesses. In the flurry of flower activity here I sneak away for a couple of hours to join them.

It is a wedding-y weekend. Beginnings and endings. Hope and endurance.

Wish them all well.

* Correction: My mother read this post and corrected me: It is NOT the last party, she said. It is the last LUNCH. 


  1. Lovely! I wish both couples a joyous day.

  2. Marie. Maybe I am paranoid? Maybe I am not understanding some humor? Why "The Last Party?" Why "Til Death do us Part?" Your readers have a lot of affection for you and your family and this language is making me anxious...

  3. I, too, am a little worried. I hope everyone is well and I wish both couple joy.

  4. That is one seriously beautiful bucket of flowers. :o

  5. Congratulations to your parents and to Don and Rosie, and best wishes for glorious celebrations to all! Thank you for the photographs of the splendid flowers and garden, Leslie

  6. Congratulations to both couples! The flowers are gorgeous!

  7. So happy for your parents. That's quite an achievement. Happiness to all.

  8. I hate not to be there. My love to those whose sixtieth it is, I miss you both, and my best wishes to those working on their first, through landscaping and fire. Kudos.

  9. Sixty is something very special indeed. Congratulations to your folks.

  10. How lovely! the Last Lunch sounds like so much fun. Many more parties.


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