Friday, April 5, 2013

Planting lilies

My friend (whose appetite is returning) and I had a happy fifteen minutes planting the lily bulbs which arrived yesterday. It was chilly out, and I was harbouring an incipient sniffle. They can't sit around, though, and must be planted at once. Three 'Silver Scheherazade' - I ordered these late bloomers so that we'll still have lilies to enjoy when we return from South Africa in summer. Then 'Madame Butterfly', another late bloomer and a Lilium henryi hybrid;  a gorgeous-looking thing - turkscap shape with apricot throat and green stripes; and finally Seafarer - perhaps my favourite lily ever, which will probably bloom without us, unless it is very early, which I doubt. I will be very sad to miss it, but I am happy that either Amy or Dinah will enjoy them.

(What if they hate lilies!?)

I wonder if I can persuade someone to come and take pictures in mid June... it's weird leaving the terrace in the middle of its best growing season.

We will be in cool Cape Town, and then up, far north, amongst leopards and monkeys and ground squirrels and elephants and rhino poachers. I have not seen the Kruger Park since I was a little girl. We'll have a tent for part of it, and be in self catering cottages for the rest. It's funny, now I am beginning to be excited. Vince and I have not taken roadtrip together for three years.



  1. Not like lilies? what sort of savages could they be? I think not. They will love the lilies! and hopefully photograph them, too.

    I have two who have peeked thru the soil about an inch this morning. Am thinking about trying to build some sort of cage over them in case the rabbits are hungry this spring... need to give that some serious thought.

  2. I volunteer to come take overly-romantical film photographs of your terrace while you're gone, if you'd like. :) But we should probably hang out beforehand! :)

    1. Oh, wow, I accept! :-) I'll even leave a bottle of bubbly for you with your name on it.

  3. Who could NOT like lilies? I dug-in Aloha Lily 'Leia' last year and was pleasantly surprised by their staying power. They are currently still sleeping, but will wake-up late summer. I'll be here for their show. Sorry you'll miss yours.

  4. I'll be on hand til the Master Photographer gets back, with my nose and my camera at the ready.

    1. I apologize in advance for any pollen stains!

  5. He LOVES the boxes they're packed in. It's an annual excitement for him. The Lily Garden must have a cat, there, or perhaps...critters.

    Lilies themselves are Not Good for cats, but he knows that.

  6. If you need more help planting I have 2 tiny gardeners I can send your way.

    xo J.

  7. All around me at the cottage are native plants and prairie plants and things that bring bees and butterflies. And then there are the lilies. They are not native, they deem prairies too earnest and righteous, and they have no truck with the pollinators. They are just for me.


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