Friday, December 21, 2012

Morning and Night


  1. How did the roof hold up last night. The wind was pretty intense. Stuff all over the backyard this morning.

  2. The wind was terrible, wasn't it? Didn't sleep very much, the tugging noises and then ice pellets raining down on the skylights. Terrace is OK, with one small pot toppled and a wire basket missing, now on Raccoon House's roof. Must retrieve. I heard two jets coming in to land at La Guardia during a bad part and worried about them, such high wind. Most flights were re routed, I think.

  3. Fig-lights! Very pretty, Marie. We all send good wishes to you, Vince and Estorbo.

  4. the clouds in the morning photo are so amazing. My cheeks sting from the wind today.


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