Monday, May 11, 2009

Median coming along

All the Ingwersen's Variety geraniums in the Median are in bloom. Some of them seem loose at the crown - the plant sort of flops to one side, but they came like that from the nursery. Possibly too long in their containers and over-grown.

But it's a pretty sight.

All the other perennials look healthy, and the tender amsonia of two weeks ago has blue buds.

I was not happy with three of the roses, which had significant dieback, and I swapped them out today, for happier ones. Reason for unhappiness: grubs in roots! From nursery. But the other roses have lots of buds and glossy green leaves.

Tomorrow I go apple tree hunting on Long Island. In the boss' new car. Let's hope that goes well...thanks, Boss!


  1. Boy do they grow fast! Hard to believe this was just planted, for a neophyte like me any way. The good news is it makes it harder for the dogs to spoil it...

  2. Well, I think the "Mariedian" is looking lovely. And I wish I had coined that term :-)

    Marie, being a graffiti fan and a Brooklyn-er (Brooklynite?) have you seen these:

    They made me smile.

  3. "Mariedian"! I love it, MIT! And yes, it is looking do good work, Marie ;-)


  4. Can't believe all that growth in such a short time - maybe NY vibe


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