Friday, July 20, 2007

The Worst Smell of Summer

...officially: the NW corner of Broome and Allen Streets. A puddle gathering in the gutter is generating what is the foulest smell I have smelled this summer to date in NYC. For those who cannot access the click-and-sniff upgrade, please close your eyes and imagine: the slimy water left in the vase after the chrysanthemums have been in it for a week; a festering and newly-discovered bag of dead mouses; a slice of unwrapped, room-temperature St Albray cheese; and the unmistakable sweaty sock odour of a freight ship that has just docked and opened its cargo holds to air. Into chrysanthemum-water put mouses and cheese and leave to macerate in re-sealed hold of ship for one week. Remove, blend, strain, bottle and dab on wrists for a July downtown experience.

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