
Thursday, May 11, 2017

June Forage Walk

Prospect Park [sold out - email me to join the mailing list for new walks!]
11 June 2017 
12.30 pm - 2.30pm

Early summer brings the Big Green to city parks. Trees are in luxuriant leaf, ground elder is in bloom, cup plants are climbing skywards and mugwort is taking over the world. 

Early June is elderflower time - we'll talk about how to make elderflower cordial and bubbly. It is easy to grow at home, too. 

June is also the harbinger of tilia (linden) blossom - where for ten to fourteen days in the year New York actually smells fantastic.

We walk, talk, scratch and sniff (plants, not each other) and gather at the end for a picnic of wild tastes.

A confirmation email with more details will be sent to signed up walkers in the week before the walk.



  1. if you like how linden smells, you have to get some linden honey from union square greenmarket. no other honey for me.

    1. Do you know who sells it?

    2. tremblay apiary on the 17th street side of the market on friday and saturday. they're the jars with L on the lid.


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