
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Henry Street Quince R.I.P

Last week a car sideswiped it after it jumped onto the sidewalk.

Today, it is flat. The quince is not more. I have taken notice of it ever since I moved to this neighbourhood 6 years ago, and was very fond of the sturdy, unlovely-in-winter little tree. It always redeemed itself in the spring, and I hoped for a fruit to ripen for me every fall.

What punishment for a tree killer?


  1. A gardening friend says tree killers should be deprived of the oxygen the trees provide.She reckons that would drain the gene pool significantly!

  2. Dinahmow's gardening friend has a good idea ... if only the oxygen deprivation could be so specifically directed. RIP Henry Street Quince ...


  3. poor quincy. off with quince killer's head says the judge and the jury.

  4. Marie (and others) this might cheer you

  5. Dinahmow - ha!

    Keli'i - maybe the trunk would be a nice scratching post for you know who...

    Ms Hound - unlucky week for tree.

    Bonbon - aw, we liked the tree :-)The cat is still high, btw.

    Dinahmow..olives? You mean to cheer us with olives? Ok, fine, it worked.


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