
Saturday, November 12, 2016


After a garden design appointment on the other, eastern side of Prospect Park recently, I cycled home via the more winding, scenic route, through the park. I hadn't intended to stop, but when I caught a glimpse of this electric gingko, I went off-road, to the water.

And later, into the woods.


  1. Our trees in Vermont have been completely bare for a few weeks now, and so it is great fun to see "round 2" of autumn in Prospect Park. I love that gingko trees are some of the most ancient of trees and so perfectly golden in the fall. They are among my faves. And I have found such solace in the woods lately...

  2. Thank you for sharing a bit of your beautiful autumn with us. The desert has its own charms but I do miss seeing the vibrant, changing leaves.

  3. You're having a much prettier fall than we are here. Most of the trees went from green to brown with little yellow and virtually no red this year. Thanks for sharing that gorgeous ginko. There's still time for them to surprise me here in the next 10 days. Hope springs eternal ....

  4. Some fall foliage---very nice compared to here in Texas! Good to see, makes this sad heart happy!


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