
Thursday, March 19, 2015

My favourite (fruit) things

Late summer fruit in Cape Town.

Julie Andrews can keep her bright copper kettles (I suppose if she'd liked figs then pigs would have come into it...).

I love figs. And pigs, too, actually. The figs come from Prince Albert, on the edge of the Karoo.

And I adore hanepoot. It's not every year I taste these. Muscat d'Alexandrie, harvested from Buitenverwachting wine estate and sold beside the road in Tokai. Grapes with character. The browner the better.

Nothing favourite rhymes with hanepoot.

Fewer for the song. More for me.


  1. The figs look amazing!

  2. Hello Marie ... I absolutely adore figs though these days they are a little hard to find as the old Italian farmers that used to sell them on the side of the road have been swallowed up by Urban sprawl ... your figs look absolutely delish .... xxx

  3. Beautiful and tasty!! Thank you for reminding us of similar delights to come (in the Northern Hemisphere).

  4. My husband remembers sitting in his Grandmother's fig tree and eating the figs till he got sick. Yesterday he bought a fig tree, hoping to have fresh figs in Pa. Perhaps some memories for our wee ones.


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