
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Picnic in Central Park

After doing a bit of this, yesterday evening, in the Conservatory Garden...

...we did a bit of that.

While we ate Vince remarked, It's been a very long time since we had a picnic. 

He was right. The Harlem move knocked the picnic right out of us.

It's been over  a year since our last picnic, on the roof in Brooklyn. And before that, there was this one, with our healthy, happy kitty (who has been rallying  over the last few days).

In fact, there were lots of picnics.

And it has been a year, now. 

Perhaps we'll picnic more often.



  1. Picnics are one of my favorite things....even if it's just going down to the local park. Glad to hear Don Estrobo is feeling better :-)

  2. Your picnics always look entrancing (not to mention, they probably taste that way too). And bravo, Storbie! Keep it up.



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