
Sunday, May 19, 2013

Chives on toast

A soggy day in Brooklyn town.

While not viewing the morning with alarm, exactly,  I do wonder if it won't be too soggy to walk in Prospect Park this afternoon. I baked serviceberry cookies for my walkers.

But my bags are packed - with goodies for my morning class - and the Frenchman will help me ferry them to the BBG. He was talking about cloudy days and bluebells earlier in the week so perhaps he'll hang around to take some pictures of those. They are in bloom and the overcast sky will make their colour pop.

Above? Fresh sheeps milk cheese from Hilltop Creamery (for whom I can find no web presence at all) on wholewheat toast,  with spring chives from the terrace.

Also good with field garlic leaves.


  1. Had field garlic with ricotta on sourdough rye yesterday! Hope your walk is a success!

    1. :-)

      Thank you (postponed. The walk, that is. Not the thank you)...there'll be more.


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