
Thursday, August 16, 2012

What is red?


  1. I answered the 'red' question mark with .... a cream bisquit sliced open, warmed, kissed with a dab of lemon curd, a small scoop of vanilla bean ice cream and then topped with the 'red', sliced and piled high. All questions should be answered so eloquently, I think.

  2. My cat is called Red :)

  3. I guess that was the day's colour, far away from here. :-(

  4. Red is the zinna from my garden perched in a vase next on my desk.

  5. Raspberry syrup over vanilla ice cream.

  6. Marie, as an artist I am fascinated by color. This year, to me, the greens are mind bogglingly abundant. Impossible to name them all! I also think often that one can never be sure that someone else is seeing the same color. And that brings us to the recent "discovery" of women who are Tetrachromats instead of the usual Trichromats. This means they can see 100 million colors or variations, whereas the rest see only 1 million! So to return to the question, "what is red"?. . . Is it even answerable? Katie


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