
Sunday, April 8, 2012


In focus cars, out of focus crabapple. Possibly the way most people see New York.

The blossoms have opened just in time for my mom's arrival in the city. They smell like fresh water, like hail coming, like snow, faraway, on mountains.


  1. Hope the next three weeks are extraordinary! At least the weather seems to be cooperating. Enjoy!

  2. Your blog is a welcome respite from my weekday cubicle existence! As someone who always feels rejuvenated by a visit from her mother, I hope you have a wonderful visit with yours.

  3. I just recently discovered your blog while looking for balcony garden inspiration pictures :) Mine is north-facing and recessed though, so I can only dream. I just wanted to mention this in case you ever had occasion to look for another climbing rose: Felicite et Perpetue is a once-bloomer but the foliage smells strongly of rose-- so much so it perfumes the entire area. I had it on my porch when I lived in Tn and it was evergreen in 6b. It is also a very vigorous climber and was resistant to black spot when I had it. Thought I would share!

    Back to hoping for something amazing to happen with my own 4'x12' spot!


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