
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Occupy what???

My thoughts on why the Occupy Wall Street movement should move to the woods in Prospect Park, are up at that other blog.

To the Woods!

Also there, the drinking habits of the habituees of the woodland, observed only via the detritus left behind logs and amongst the leaf litter.


  1. Beautiful autumn colours.. :)

  2. Marie,

    I found out that there is a grant available for Urban Forest, maybe you and some of the readers can look through the application and see if this is something that can help Prospect Park?

    If you can get the link, you can e-mail me at and will send you the link via e-mail.

    Thanks for what you do.

  3. jelli - the woods are gorgeous, pretty post to come.

    Maria- thank you. I am only just delving into the world of grants. That is a very helpful link - though two things jump out: these woods may be too local for this grant, and writing the grant proposal looks like a fulltime occupation. Phew. But I will investigate further.


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