
Friday, May 20, 2011

Elizabeth Scholtz's 90th birthday

Here is Betty's story, which I wrote for The Cape Argus, one of Cape Town's dailies. Click on the page to enlarge for reading (you may then click on it again to enlarge).


  1. A lovely profile, Marie, beautifully written. You are very lucky to have such a countrywoman as a role model and perhaps a mentor in NYC.

    And, look at that table. Way too pretty to mess up by eating!

  2. A lovely article about someone who is an inspiration to many.

    Don't you just hope that we will be as full of life and energy as she is when we're that age!

  3. One of the world's good people.
    Thankyou for sharing, Marie.

  4. Lieflik! Wat 'n inspirasie.


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