
Friday, April 1, 2011

March was Yellow

Left to right, row by row:

Cornelian cherry, Cornelian cherry (Battery Park), witch hazel (Cadman Plaza)
Winter jasmine (Liz Christy Community Garden), winter aconite (Cadman Plaza), forsythia (Central Park)
Tête-à-têtes (Central Park), pussy willow (Baltic Street), winter hazel (Brooklyn Bridge Park)
Forsythia (Brooklyn Heights Promenade), witch hazel (Prospect Park), witch hazel (Brooklyn Botanic Garden)


  1. All those bright yellows, but it's the Cornus mas that captivates me. My Cornelian cherry was 7 inches tall, had 14 buds (I counted), and was reduced to a 3 inch stub by winter snowpack this year. But you've shown me what it will look like some day. Come back in March in 10 or 12 years, I'll post a bright yellow photo to rival yours from Battery Park.

  2. Now I feel a bit guilty for all the birching I have done about the bad weather. When you put them all together it was a pretty nice month after all. Sometimes it takes a bit of perspective.

  3. Forsythia always makes me happy! Pretty.

  4. Why this looks like the perfect chapter opener for a book. It's a beautiful montage.

  5. Wow. All those yellows! For us it was mostly pink (orchids mostly) and orange (Strelitzia, some Aloes).
    Enjoy spring!


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