
Friday, January 28, 2011

Trees for February

This year I'll be writing a series of short pieces for AOL's Shelterpop about flowering trees for cold climates - with a selection for every month. February's flowering trees are up now. Wish me luck when we come round to January!


  1. My Carolina Jessamine blooms in the winter here in Zone 7b. Not a tree, but a woody evergreen vine that has taken over the privacy fence and outside storage room. I love it because it blooms in November and then again in February.

    Although, probably not this February as we just came through the coldest December here in North Carolina since 1884 and it got hit really hard.

    Your article makes me wish I had more room to plant the witch hazel, though.

  2. I can smell it just looking at the picture...

    xo jane

  3. at least you have several months to thunk about it;)


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