
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Orange-breasted sunbird

I was lucky today. Just leaving Kirstenbosch when this little fellow appeared right beside the path, drinking nectar (is it blue?) from some just-opened agapanthus.

The colours are brilliant. He was quite tame - very different from the birds we saw at the top of Nursery Ravine last week, though he could easily have been one of them.


  1. i can only say WOW. incredibly beautiful. it must have been just breathtaking -- astonishing.

  2. He's lovely! Great pictures. Kudos to you!

  3. Aaah, Marie-Brilliant! These are the photos I have always wanted to get and never did, even though I had both the agis and the O-B Sunbirds in the garden. Well done!!

  4. He's beautiful. I wish we had birds like that in England.

  5. Breath-taking pics. The blurred orangey green background is perfect - well spotted!

  6. I have been enjoying catching up on your very interesting SA posts and have to say these photos are so beautiful - the colours and the movement - National Geographic worthy!

  7. Amazing!!!!! Belinda is right. Nat Geo material. Whew!


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