
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Edible Manhattan

So here is Edible Manhattan's Alcohol Issue, and there is my cover photo!

How can you not love a magazine that devotes an entire issue to one of my favourite subjects?


01-12-11: Updated

Click here to read A Glassful of Flowers...


  1. Jislaaik!! Jukkle stukkle!! Well done!!

  2. I'm still scouting...3 trips to B & N over here yield nada.(mind you, the pie on the last cover looks good!)

    Maybe it takes a while to float across the river? I'll keep looking.

    And, yes, keep doing what you do.

  3. Thanks, Frank! I haven't given up on that other idea...

    Thank you, Mal :-)

    Shame, MIT - they must be keeping it in Manhattan...please don't sweat it. And you can pick up Edible Brooklyn at Heights Chateau or the Cook's Companion for free.


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