
Wednesday, June 23, 2010


These are the only two survivors of the ten Formosa lilies that I planted this year. Very disappointing.

Slugs and sails chomped three, before the Beer Trap was implemented (thank you, Lyn), and the others did not make buds at all. The bulbs were very small. The Lilium superbum fared even worse, the bulbs not viable for flowers this year at all, despite assurances to the contrary. I have them tucked into a large pot fattening up for next year. Brent and Becky's did replace the bulbs that were rotten, when I complained, which I appreciated; but I remain unimpressed and disappointed with the shipped bulbs' sizes. They should have been mature.

But I am reminded that I love Formosa lilies. Simple, pure forms. Beautiful.


  1. 2 out of 10, ugh how disappointing... Hopefully next year will fare better!

  2. Am sorry you have had such a poor experience with B&B's Bulbs. Not a good way to gain a new customer.

  3. meemsnyc -next year. Sounds so far away.

    Frank, I know. My impatiens are showing...

    webb- I am an old B and B customer but not perhaps a future one...

  4. If you have chance to order wholesale, try Van Engelen. They have an excellent selection of Alliums (for mum?) and Lilium, they arrive in excellent condition, flower as expected, and are cheap! Be careful of virused bulbs that are stunted and/or do not set flower...


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