
Thursday, May 13, 2010


Dodecatheon meadia, or Shooting star.


  1. what a photo, marie! what a flower!

  2. Blimey - how fabulous is that!

  3. Beautiful! Is this an East Coast native? We have a pink and black Sonoma/Northern California version, Henderson's Shooting Star, that my wildflower guide calls "a perky little charmer." They certainly are.

  4. Thanks, Karen - it is a gorgeous flower, usually on stalk with three or four others, so this one was nice for the James Bond laser-effect...

    Rachel - yes, they are stunning. I encountered them for the first time last year, I think.

    Hi Lisa - got snakes :-)? yes, this is an east Coast native, and we have a pink one, too, though they seem to be the same species. The stems are about 12 - 14 " long, so they're not tiny.


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