
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Paintbrush lily

Scadoxus puniceus, in my mother's garden in Cape Town. It grows in a pot beside a bench in full shade, near the clivias.

It is native from the Transkei on the south eastern coast to North West Province. It is used traditionally to treat coughs, stomach problems and headaches, but don't try it at home. The bulb is poisonous.


  1. What a gorgeous flower. I want it but Dave's Garden says it only grows in Zone 8-11 and I'm in 7. Darn it.

  2. I imagine you could keep it in a pot and overwinter it in a cellar or garage, Karen? And I still think zones are creeping up to the next number.

  3. I did not know that such beautiful flowers existed. Medicinal flower as well...Nature is really amazing.
    Thank you

  4. Do you know a source that would sell this lily? Thanks in advance!

    1. Not offhand, but Google may... best of luck.


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