
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

April in Brooklyn

Oh, to be in England, now that April's there...

But Brooklyn and these daffodils are what we have, this side of the ash cloud. This is the Brooklyn Botanic Garden again, and the end of the daffodils.

I just spoke to Betty Scholtz, who said, We are having the Sakura Matsumi festival without the cherry blossoms!

It is scheduled for May 1st and 2nd, and the cherry blossoms are in fullest bloom now. If you run, you'll still be able to enjoy them. Tuesday is free admission day. And the lilacs are heady...


  1. Oh, the Lilacs! I was there Saturday and decided I want to live in the center of that little grove of Lilacs!

  2. "If you run..."
    Oh dear...yesterday, it was a struggle to *swim* 50 metres!I shall have to go down Memory Lane again.


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