
Tuesday, September 1, 2009


This very small glass of flowers is capable of changing how I feel. It makes everything look better. It makes coffee taste better.


  1. I love cut flowers (my masculinity shall suffer for it I suppose) but so do our cats. They'll find it and knock over and spill the water out. Rats! Can't have anything nice!

  2. I don't think a love of flowers, cut is either masculine or's just a sense of what is beautiful.

    Silly kitties. For some reason Estrobo does not jump up onto things.

  3. i completely agree...just made my vitamin go down easier too.

  4. I love small bouquets of cut flowers. Really nice how you've got your basil blooms in there. I don't usually seem to have enough/the right kind of flowers for cutting, but every few weeks, i treat myself to a $5 bunch from Wollam Gardens. I have to keep the vase up on the stove, a no-cat zone, otherwise Sylvie would be pulling them out of the vase and eating them.

  5. hmm, i have never brought in nicotiana as a cut flower (is that the green one i see?).

    miss zip will strip alstroemerias systematically of their petals, leaving only pistil & stigmas. i have given up having them in the house. she pretends she's not the culprit but i have found pollen on someone's forehead.

    i am surprised silvie is deterred by no-cat zones. silly kitties.

  6. Our jump when we are not home. Sometimes, if we are in the bath, they forget we are there and jump. Hilarious to see their startled reaction when we appear!


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